Irish Enterprises Logo

Irish Enterprises believes in the free enterprise system of our country and therefore supports others in their endeavors to succeed in their respective businesses. We will post a link to sites that are of good taste and that support or complement

If you would like to have your site added to our list of advertisers send an email to with either a link or the URL of your site. Your site will be evaluated and if it meets the above general requirements it will be added to this page only if you also post a link to on your web site.

If you would like to link to you can use a regular hyperlink or you can download this graphic for use as a visual logo on your site, and copy this code into your page to complete the link.

<a href="">
<img src="irishenterprisessmall.gif"></a>

You must ensure that you have the graphic in the same location on your site for the code to work.

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